Brittany    Daniel

What can I tell you about Brittany Daniel ?

Well All I know is that she is actually More like Elizabeth Wakefield than Jessica Wakefield .

She is actually an honorary student,have a long time serious boyfriend (who unfortunatelly just recently broke up Just like Liz and Todd and Tom )more shy ,and actually more serious and love to read than Cynthia her twin sister .

I know she also has a birthmark in her arm with a size of a nickle .She also have more lighten blonde hair than Cynthia she's an Inch more taller than Cynthia (the Daniel twin was not really the same size )

She had a role in a TV series Swan Crossing before Sweet Valley High and had to live alone in New York for temporary .In there she play as Mila a beautiful blonde girl who fall in love with Jared a californian-surfer-boy.

She also actually the twin who KISSED Leonardo Di Caprio ( make me soooo envy to her !!!)in Basketball Diaries the MOVIE and she actually played a love scane there with him !

Brittany Ann Daniel is her full name ! But sometimes her friends call her Boo-boo !

Although she's more like Liz than Jess she did has a same similiar thing with Jessica.She also LOVE to flirt ! Cynthia even admit that if she have a crush on a boy and she knew that Brittany also have a crush on him ,she wouldn't dare to take a move to that guy because she knew Brittany would get that guy !But they both admit that they have diffrent taste on guys !

Oh yeah ,Cynthia 's boyfriend ever kissed Brittany by "accidently" .He though that Brittany was Cynthia nd just smooch her ! Off course Brittany was surprised and laughed ( Privately i don't think Cynthia laughed at that time ) .

Well That's all I can gave you know ,anymore information would be added in the future !


Cynthia    Daniel

Cynthia Daniel what about her ? hmmmmmmmmm

All I know is that she actually more like Jessica Wakefield than Elizabeth Wakefield .Her friends was always laughing to see how she act and dressed on the show because IT"S REALLY NOT LIKE HER !

Cynthia is actually the cheerleader one of the set of the twin .She actually the one who dare to take a risk and try anything new .Neitherless to say that She is more like Jess than Liz .

Cynthia never really really fall in love with someone although the last gossip is that she's now dating someone who's not a movie star ( I wonder who is that guy ?) .Off course she have many crush before but she's never really really fallen in love with them !

She was choosen to play as Elizabeth because Francine Pascal though that she looks more innoncent that Brittany on the camera .She enjoy to play Liz's role cause it's a challenge for her !

Cynthia have a diffrent taste of man from Brittany .She like a man who like her as herself and she believe in the faith !She hope to have a husband and mayne a baby girl someday !

Cynthia was best friends with Amy who plays as Enid on the series .

One same thing that Cynthia and Brittany have the same idea is that they hate about the mythe that said all blondes are airhead !They both are smart (especially Brittany )and are NOT airheads or dizzy AT ALL !!!

Cynthia loves GREASE ( an old movie played ny John Travolta nd Olivia Newton John )and can actually speak like one of the character on the movie, Marty

Well That's all for now more info would be added in the future

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